Logo RF White
Offices Kuala Lumpur
Job-type Contract
Job Category All
Industries Others
Salary MYR 2,800 - 3,200 /Month
Who you'll be working for
Life Insurance.
What requirements you'll need to be eligible
  • Fresh graduates with relevant internship are welcome to apply!
  • Completed Bachelor's degree in Actuarial Studies.
What you'll be doing on the job
  • Maintain, modify and enhance the Actuarial Modelling in Prophet Professional and Prophet Enterprise for reporting and capital frameworks, including IFRS17, Malaysia RBC, Takaful RBCT and Singapore RBC2.
  • Ensure accuracy and consistency of the results produced by Actuarial Modelling.
  • Comply with internal model governance and validation policies. This includes reviewing procedures to maintain model integrity and appropriate model documentation.
  • Explore areas for enhancement to raise the standard of current modelling process. This includes standardising coding structures and improving model efficiency.
  • Support User Acceptance Test (“UAT”) on IFRS17 related changes, Actuarial Modelling, valuation data and reporting processes.
  • Participate in projects related to Actuarial Modelling.
  • Provide technical support to Actuarial Model users.
  • Involved in experience analyses
Consultant Contact
Posted by: Chittra A/P Som Mai
Phone: +60134701212
Email: chittra.s@recruitfirst.co
Reg No:
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