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IT - Software

machine learning engineer

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Offices Beijing, Chaoyang District 朝阳区
Job-type Contract
Job Category IT - Software
Industries IT
Salary RMB 20,000 - 40,000 /Month
Who you'll be working for
Leading MNC in AI Accelerating Process Unit
What requirements you'll need to be eligible

1. 本科及以上学历,计算机、软件工程、人工智能等相关方向;
2. 具备机器视觉领域的算法研究经验,模型优化/加速部署经验加分;
3. 熟悉Python编程, 熟悉C++代码加分

What you'll be doing on the job

1. 研究深度学习(包括各种神经网络结构与应用)或机器视觉各个领域(AIGC、超分辨率、目标检测、图像分割等)中核心算法;
2. 将上述核心算法应用到各种复杂现实场景中,如机器人,智能监控,辅助驾驶等;
3. 针对应用场景进行数据分析和算法优化,如模型量化、蒸馏、剪枝、加速等;
4. 编写相关算法分析和优化报告。

Consultant Contact
Posted by: Dylan Zhang
Phone: +86 135 2418 1944
Email: dylanc.zhang@recruitfirst.co
Reg No:
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